Friday, May 22, 2009

Back Home

Super bummed right now cause I am not at Rainfest with my friends and Lennea is away visiting her Dad. Life sucks...

Moved back to Vernon a few weeks ago once school finished up. Moving was a bit of a pain but me and Lennea got a bunch of help from my parents and her dad, so thanks to them. I been back in Vernon for about a month now and it's been pretty good so far. Me and Lennea are renting out the suite of our house and it is much nicer and bigger than our last place, so that is awesome. Haven't been doing much since I got back other than hanging out all day. Both me and Lennea applied for a job at PRT and they hired us on the spot and told us they would call us to tell us our start date. However, they didn't end up calling us and we had to hassle them super hard for a couple weeks to tell us when we were going to start, it was a big ordeal but we finally got it sorted out and I am starting work on Monday. I am pretty choked at PRT for screwin me around like they did, totally fucked up the only real plans I had for summer, which was going to Rainfest.
My bro, Ramsay, Sean and Derrek are in Tacoma right now enjoying tons of great bands and each others company while I am sitting here writing this lame shit...weak. I couldn't go due to the fact I had no money since I didn't get to start at PRT early enough and I start on Monday which is the day I would have been coming back from Rainfest, shit just didn't work out and I am bummed. Oh well though, hopefully my buds have a good time!
Aside from lounging around with Lennea while other people are off earning dollars I have been doing some odd painting jobs for Sid so I can make a few bucks before I start work, shit is lame because the dude is a perfectionist and I definetly am not, made us sand and wash a goddam fence like 12 times, bogus.
The long weekend was pretty rad since we had some company come stay and party with us. Justen and Megan both came up from Slurrey and Grant came out from Kelowna to spend the weekend partyin with the Vernon folk. Friday night was alot of fun, went out to dinner then to D-Trax's house with a bunch of people, everyone was gettin their pre-drink on and saucy Derrek was bein saucy. After that we headed out to the club (oh yea Clayton came from Van to visit as well, he was with us) to do some dancing. I fucking suck at dancing and hate the clubs so I was out of my element and probably looked a fool but I guess it was still an enjoyable time. One the way home we got in some adventures with a dude who was on Acid and believed he was Wolverine, he got some picks with us. We also met a guy with elephantitus (however you spell it), saw cops arresting a native dude (NP), convinced some kid that Justen was an X-games gold medalist for BMX and met the hoodest white dude from Hastings that I have ever seen. NO PAPA TRAIL NIGGA! (his words not mine). Next day me, Con and Lennea had a wedding to go to which was alright, free food and drink is always a good jam. After the wedding we went to Seans place and he had a BBQ (Con is a fatty and ate burgers after eating buffet food at the wedding). Sunday we took everyone dirtbiking and that was enjoyable, Lennea rode a motocross bike for the first time and did pretty good and only came away with one bruise and a pretty savage burn.
Haven't really been doing much else since then aside from lounging, feeding ducks and playing video games. Hopefully once I get some money in my pocket I can start havin more fun and going on some trips. Sound and Fury maybe?
These blog posts always turn out longer than I think they will...I hope Rainfest is fun for my buds, bummed I couldn't be with them!

See ya